- Smoke Ridge Friendly Spanish Buck
- Flehmen Response to Doe Scent
- Super yum! Knapweed
- Take-back Mommy and Kid That Was Missing
- Tan Floozy Daughters
- THAT’s a Buck
- That’s MY Dogfood
- Twins at 367 Days of Age
- Two Cute Kids
- Watch That Branch!
- Weedeaters in Wyoming
- West Virginia Livestock Guardian Dog + Kid
- Yum, Cornstalk!
- YUM, Leafy Spurge
- Yup, Both Mine!
- 13-month Old Spanish Doe’s Udder
- Red Spanish Buck
- Almost Kidding Time!
- Anatolian LGD on Duty
- Barrel Racing
- Boo! (That Was His Name)
- Bouncing Grand-goats in PA
- BRAND New Baby
- Browsing
- Brush Goat!
- Buck Browsing
- Bucklings!
- Bucks Watch LGD
- Burdock Leaf, Yum!
- Canadian Fall
- Cappucino
- Cashmere Keeps Us Warm When it’s Cold Outside
- Cinnaman’s Been Swimming!
- Cinnaman’s Dogfood!
- Cinnamini, Still Wet
- C’mon, Kids!
- Leaves Are Luscious
- Doe and Twins!
- Evergreen, Yum!
- Female Alert!
- Flying Kewpie!
- Goat in Snow
- Good Conformation
- Gremlin
- We’re On The Computer!
- Help me, Ground
- Hello, Here I Am!!!
- Howdy
- I Keep my Goats Safe
- I’m Almost a Big Kid!
- Incoming!
- Kaluah!
- Contented Kids in a Corner
- LGD Sleeping on the Job, but Just TRY and Grab a Goat
- Guardian Dog Watches
- Loving my ‘Kid’ in Ohio
- Mmm, Corn Cob
- MY Cornstalk!
- Napping is Good
- Naptime
- New Kid, New Tag!
- Nice Rock
- On a Rock
- Red Spanish Doe at 9 with Triplets
- Run for Food and Fun
- Shedding Doe and Brand New Kids
- Smidgen
- Smoke Ridge Buck
- Red Doe and Kids
- Livestock Guardian Dog
- LGDs in Canada
- Goat Heaven
- Livestock Guardian Dog on Duty
- Quad mom plus her brood
- Kid from SMR doe, admires LARGE horse!
- Yvonne and Kid
- 5 year old Spanish quad mom udder